Thursday, October 25, 2007

I'll show you burst pipes...

A notice went up in the lobby of my apartment building the other day stating between 9am and 4pm on Wed. 10/24 tenants won't be able to use the water, and a plumber is coming in to inspect all the units. Apparently, there's a leaky culprit and it's messing with the boiler in the basement. As luck would have it, the apartment above me is the prime suspect and while I was originally told they'd have to knock out the wall behind my sink to check the pipes, I was under the impression that all would be restored to normal by the time I got home. Au contraire. Upon returning to said apartment after work, I was greeted with this lovely sight:

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The white wall behind the pipe in the top left corner is my neighbor's kitchen, and if you crouch down you can see straight into her place. Following a borderline sleepless night where I kept imagining rats and/or cockroaches ascending from the depths of the walls to infiltrate my flat and claim their territory, I called the plumber first thing this morning only to learn that my landlord has hired his own contractors to patch everything up. When? No appointment has been scheduled yet.

Ahoy, Matey!

Jessica Simpson aside, John Mayer does have some charming qualities. The video below for one, and I rather enjoy his column "Music Lessons with John Mayer" which appears monthly in Equire. Blog

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

If I told you you were beautiful, would you date me on the regular?

A friend of one of my co-workers had the pleasure of tailgating the Packers game with Justin Timberlake, Jessica Biel and James Van Der Beek. The true gem is JT shotgunning the Miller Lite in the last pic.

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mmmmm. Cheeseheads.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Zola is too cool for school.

M's niece Zola on stage in Sweden I think. She's Dweezil's babycakes and is beyond cuteness.

"Sandwich do you say grilled cheese?"

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The best part of Wes Anderson's short film, Hotel Chevalier (prologue to the Darjeeling Limited):

"Where do you go to (my lovely)" by Peter Sarstedt.

oh andy/akiva/jorma.

Monday, October 1, 2007

I was kissin' Valentino by a crystal blue Italian stream.

You know you're having a BAD day when:

-It's 7:30am and you're running late because one of the hounds you're dog sitting won't shit, and you can't keep strolling Cow Hollow in the cold "almost rain" in your flip flops any longer, especially after you slipped-but caught yourself-at the crosswalk.
-You get lost on the way to pick up your free microwave courtesy of L (she had an extra one after moving into new digs) due to the fact that one of the streets Google Maps instructed you to turn on is now sealed off.
-You finally get to the coffee shop, run in and out, only to discover that in your caffeine deprived haze you parked on the wrong side of the street for a whopping 4 min and now have a parking ticket thanks to street cleaning.
-You get back to the boss' apt to tidy up before she returns later today and learn you have locked yourself out. Fortunately, you have a spare in your own apt but it doesn't make it any less annoying to drive across town to get it.

You know you're having a GOOD day when:

-doughnuts mysteriously appear on the third floor and there's one glazed left.
-the weather shifts and it's now going to be sunny with a high of 72.
-the trailer for Grace is Gone is posted and you get super excited because two of your besties not only worked on the film, but one is the Associate Producer.
-you are now 1 degree of separation away from John Cusack.
-you have what will surely be a kick ass story (about B having a conference stalker) waiting for you when she gets home tonight.
-you've decided to make a conscious effort to start incorporating "By the hammer of Thor!" into your vernacular.