Thursday, October 25, 2007

I'll show you burst pipes...

A notice went up in the lobby of my apartment building the other day stating between 9am and 4pm on Wed. 10/24 tenants won't be able to use the water, and a plumber is coming in to inspect all the units. Apparently, there's a leaky culprit and it's messing with the boiler in the basement. As luck would have it, the apartment above me is the prime suspect and while I was originally told they'd have to knock out the wall behind my sink to check the pipes, I was under the impression that all would be restored to normal by the time I got home. Au contraire. Upon returning to said apartment after work, I was greeted with this lovely sight:

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The white wall behind the pipe in the top left corner is my neighbor's kitchen, and if you crouch down you can see straight into her place. Following a borderline sleepless night where I kept imagining rats and/or cockroaches ascending from the depths of the walls to infiltrate my flat and claim their territory, I called the plumber first thing this morning only to learn that my landlord has hired his own contractors to patch everything up. When? No appointment has been scheduled yet.

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