Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Beware of yellow snow...

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I had the pleasure of working the SPIN booth at this year's ICER AIR this past weekend. The urban big air ski and snowboard competition trucks in a bunch of snow every year to create a massive ski jump in the middle of San Francisco's ATT Park. Then, the hottest skiers and snowboarders are brought in to compete against each other while the masses drink stadium beer and reek havoc on the outfield. Thank God it's the off season. Music acts entertain between jumps which is awesome (this year Talib Kweli and Mos Def were the headliners), unless you're a heinous cover band and play Lit's "My Own Worst Enemy" twice in one set. Not cool dudes, not cool.

-It was a bazillion degrees outside (wtf? It's SF AND November!?!?!?!) and our booth was smack dab in the middle of Sun central. Seeing as my people come from a land of overcast skies and cable knit sweaters, I was none too pleased to basque in the glow of the center of our Solar System for a full three hours. Especially since I neglected to apply sunscreen.
-I was exhausted from a long work week and too many Halloween parties, and I just couldn't fathom waiting the 5 hrs between the end of my shift, and Mos Def taking the stage. We had a moment at a dive bar in NY once, let's leave it at that. And no, the "moment" did not involve a restraining order.

-NACHOS!!!!! And I'm kind of an expert when it comes to this particular south of the border delicacy, so you really have to impress me to evoke this kind of enthusiasm. The Nachos Bell Grande from the 2nd floor Promenade were a beautiful blend of cheese, jalapeƱos, and salsa. I not only wolfed them down with full force, but threw my empty dish high in the air in a complete fit of joy once I was done (read: I so feverishly tried to scrape the last of the nacho cheese out, that I toppled the remaining chips and some salsa onto myself).


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