Thursday, January 3, 2008

new year's rezzies.

by creating many, it ensures I will stick to at least one.

1) January will be a dry month. Stop laughing. I'm serious.
2) Learn French. I purchased a "French Phrase-A-Day" calendar on clearance from Barnes and Noble to assist with this goal. I may have to wait until April 28th to say "Je n'arrive jamais à joindre le plomber," but when that day comes, EVERYONE will finally learn that I can never get the plumber on the phone.
3) write my god damn screenplay already.
4) Pry myself away from the DVR to read more. I'm halfway through The Heart is a Lonely Hunter and it's far more entertaining than The Real Housewives of Orange County.
5) Discover who put me on a mass mailing list as Caitlin Donovan-Sexpot and send them a thank you letter.
6) Make a conscious effort to save money from each paycheck...after I'm monetarily raped by the dentist for extracting my wisdom teeth Feb 1 of course.
7) Actually get to New York instead of blue balling all my friends not once, not twice, but three times.
8) Learn how to cook. Not just "reheat."


Addendum: I also intend on de-"cracking" myself from my crackberry.


Caity said...

so, bored for the day, i googled my own name which also happens to be your name AND we happen to be the same age. i end up on your blog by a caitlin donovan-sexpot search result. i laughed outloud. that mass email, whenever it was, was for me... lol. there is a group of girls who all met in san diego that named themselves (ourselves) the sexpots maybe... oh.. 3 or 4 years ago. i am still giggling at the thought of getting an unexplained email like that in MY inbox.. what a riot it must have been... meanwhile i haven´t heard from them in ages, so if you happen upon another email, feel free to forward it to me.. HAHHAHA.

Caity said...

ps my email is